A person can be assured they will have life insurance coverage over the entire period of their life with a Whole Life insurance policy with a tax-free death benefit. It also contains a savings component in which cash value may accumulate. Interest does accrue on a tax-deferred basis. One of the most appealing benefits of purchasing a whole life insurance policy is this… your premiums, and your death benefit will never expire. It is guaranteed to be paid regardless of when you die, whether that's tomorrow, in five years, 80 years, or even further away.

Most people are unaware that whole life offers living AND death benefits to themselves and the insured’s family members.

Also, the cash value offers a living benefit to the policyholder, meaning the policyholder can access it while the insured is still alive. To access the cash reserve, the policy owner must request a withdrawal/or loan. Withdrawals are tax-free up to the value of the total premiums paid.

These are just some key takeaways, but there are so many different advantages to having life insurance rather than not having it.

Some other plans we offer are Term Life, Indexed Universal Life (IUL), Return of Premium (RTOP), Children’s Whole Life, and Annuities.


Available Carriers:

  • Gerber

  • Foresters

  • Illinois Mutual

  • Mutual of Omaha

OUR AGENTS ARE LICENSED IN: Alabama • Arkansas • California • Colorado • Florida • District of Columbia • Georgia • Florida • Louisiana • Maryland • Mississippi • North Carolina • Ohio • Pennsylvania • South Carolina • Tennessee • Texas • Virginia


OUR AGENTS ARE LICENSED IN: Alabama • Arkansas • California • Colorado • Florida • District of Columbia • Georgia • Florida • Louisiana • Maryland • Mississippi • North Carolina • Ohio • Pennsylvania • South Carolina • Tennessee • Texas • Virginia |